F O U N D E R / P. H O T O G R A P H E R
reservation project /
/ photo journalism
Reservation Project documents the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on New York City's restaurants and bars, through photography and storytelling. It will take form as a hardback book.
Through contributions and proceeds the project aims to provide relief to restaurants and bars through charitable partnerships.
founder / reservation project
Backed by
Museum of the City of New York
Sony & Alpha Universe
In partnership with
The Bronx
New Jersey
Storytelling focuses on COVID-19, quarantine, phases 1-4, the Paycheck Protection Program, government aid, regulations and adaptation, delivery services, operating at reduced capacity, lost revenue, wages, tips, and layoffs, overhead including rent, utilities and bills, human impact including physical and emotional health, the possibility of another shutdown, and the threat of permanently closure. In parallel it highlights the voluntary support of frontline workers, the Black Lives Matter movement, and more.
If you, or a restaurant you know, would like to be involved or to be a contributor, please email the team.
Thank you!
reservationproject.com / 2020-2021
founder / photographer